What is an Anal Fistula?
Fistula means an abnormal connection or passageway between organs that do not normally connect.
Most commonly fistulas occur near the anus. This condition is termed as fistula-in-ano. A fistula occurs when a boil or an abscess develops in anal glands. If the opening of these glands get blocked then the infection gets confined to that area as it is unable to drain out into the rectum. It balloons up to form a pus boil or an abscess and it will keep growing inwards to form a tract. This tract is called fistula whose primary opening in inside the anal canal and secondary opeining is in the perianal skin.
Every time the opening gets blocked an abscess will develop and the tract will increase in size. Sometimes in a chronic case we may see more than one opening and multiple tracts.
It can happen in 10 out of 100,000 population. It is more common in males. It is usually common in people aged between 30 and 50 years.
Most commonly fistulas occur near the anus. This condition is termed as fistula-in-ano. A fistula occurs when a boil or an abscess develops in anal glands. If the opening of these glands get blocked then the infection gets confined to that area as it is unable to drain out into the rectum. It balloons up to form a pus boil or an abscess and it will keep growing inwards to form a tract. This tract is called fistula whose primary opening in inside the anal canal and secondary opeining is in the perianal skin.
Every time the opening gets blocked an abscess will develop and the tract will increase in size. Sometimes in a chronic case we may see more than one opening and multiple tracts.
It can happen in 10 out of 100,000 population. It is more common in males. It is usually common in people aged between 30 and 50 years.
Anal fistula is termed "Bhagandara" in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda fistulas, like other diseases have been classified according to the vitiation of one per more of the three doshas i.e. the vata, the Pitta & the kapha. They have been classified also according to the shape & site of the track of the fistula. Special treatment for such different kinds of fistulas is mention in detail. It is worth noting that the complex & most challenging horse shoe fistula ( complex Ischio-rectal fistula) has been dealt with in detail in Sushruta a classical Ayurveda text) even as early as 300 ad.
The Ksharsutra treatment was probably first advised per this type of fistula named Parikshepi Bhagandara by Sushurta. This Ksharsootra treatment, with a little modification has proved its worth even in modern times.
Anal fistula, a rare condition, is a chronically inflamed, abnormal tunnel between the anal canal and the outer skin of the anus. It often drains watery pus, which can irritate the outer tissues and cause itching and discomfort.
Ayurveda has a unique way of treating fistula in ano. Simple as well as complex fistulas, high anal fistulas, fistulas with multiple track, recurrent fistulas, chron's fistula, tubercular fistula, all respond well to the Ksharsutra ligation procedure.
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